Misplacements (2002)

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An Algorithmic Composition for the Disklavier

Misplacements is a quazi minimalist composition for the disklavier. It incorporates repetition and phasing as primary compositional elements. The piece consists of seven segments of repeating material. Within each of those segments there are phasing chordal interjections. The seven segments of the piece are designed as one large-scale rhythmic palindrome. Each section draws from a group of pitches of a similar sonority (b c d f# g are a good sample group). The phased chordal interjections are of the same rhythmic content as the section they are in, but they are of the pitch content of the next section. These serve as segues into the following sections of the piece. This continues in the same manner until the seventh section. At the end of the seventh section all of the earlier segments are restated simultaneously at 1/4th the length of time they were initially. Lastly, the final chordal phase, using the second sections rhythm, and at ½ the tempo, is heard slowly dying away at the end of the piece.